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Polyline Ellipse?

kbean63's Photo kbean63 15 Dec 2016

Is it possible to draw an ellipse that is a polyline, or can ellipses be converted to polylines?

There is a command in AutoCAD called 'pellipse' that allows you to toggle between two settings. When pellipse is set to 0 all ellipses that you draw are standard ellipses. When pellipse is set to 1 all ellipses that you draw are polylines. I tried typing the pellipse command in NANOCAD and it seemed to sort of recognize it but it doesn't seem to do anything, or at least it doesn't do what I'm atempting to do.

Hellen_V's Photo Hellen_V 16 Dec 2016

you can convert ellipse to a polyline in nanoCAD Plus 8. Use EXPLODEGEOMETRY command twice: at the first time ellipse became a 2D-polyline, at the second - simple polyline.