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Raster image embedded with nanoCAD 6.0 not...

jacana's Photo jacana 14 May 2014

I have inserted and embedded a raster (TIFF) image using nanoCAD 6.0 (beta). It displays fine in nanoCAD but when I open it in one of several version of AutoCAD it just shows as a bounding box, and the image detail is missing. The file size has increased proportionately over the original drawing file to suggest the image is actually embedded in there. Has anyone had any experience with this sort of thing, or can advise on how to solve it?

Hellen_V's Photo Hellen_V 15 May 2014

Hello Chris,

In nanoCAD embedded images increase the file size, it's normal.
Autocad can't embed raster images, so it doesn't display embedded image from nanoCAD file.