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deleting overlapped objects

overlapped objects

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#1 Arun Talukdar


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 06:26 AM

is there any option for deleting overlapped objects?

#2 SevaM


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 09:11 AM

Hello Arun,

you can select required object then press Delete. When you click on overlapped objects - you will see list of all objects to select what you need to delete.

#3 RasterTechNZ


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Posted 26 April 2012 - 08:12 PM


This is a very old LISP that I used to use to delete overlapped lines. Maybe someone can re-write in VB or Java to work in nanoCAD.


;#: 77359 S2/AutoLISP
; 31-Mar-90 20:15:25
;Sb: #77244-#CSTRIP.LSP Program
;Fm: Richard Halle 73417,340
;To: Kevin Krebs 76114,1264 (X)
;Written by Richard Halle 73417,340.
;CUT.LSP Program deletes mulitple lines lying on the same vector. The longer
;line is left, and the shorter one(s) are deleted. Multiple Coincident Lines
;are deleted on the layers selected regardless of whether they are the same
;layer or not. If <M>ultiple or <A>ll Layers are selected, unpredictable
;results as to which layer line remains, may result. To avoid this, select
;<S>ingle layer one at a time.
;Minor modifications made to original code. K.Krebs
;Main Function
(defun C:CUT (/ pick s1 c1 c2 s data ld1 ld2 r flag t1 lr)
(defun lr ()
(setq s (1+ s))
(prompt (strcat "\r" (itoa s) " Line(s) removed."))
(initget 1 "All Single Multiple")
(setq pick
(getkword "\nProcess Lines on <A>ll, <S>ingle, or <M>ultiple Layers? ")
( (= pick "All") (setq s1 (ssget "x" (list (cons 0 "LINE")))))
( (= pick "Single") (setq s1 (layss "LINE")))
( (= pick "Multiple") (setq s1 (mlayss "LINE")))
(if s1
(strcat "\n====== " (itoa (sslength s1))
" Line(s) Selected ======\n"
(setq c1 0 s 0 t1 0)
(while (ssname s1 c1)
(grtext -1 (strcat "Pass: " (itoa (1+ c1)))) ;status in mode area
(setq c2 (1+ c1))
(while (ssname s1 c2)
(setq data (entget (ssname s1 c1)) ;get data for 1st line
ld1 (list (dxf 10 data) (dxf 11 data)) ;start/end points
data (entget (ssname s1 c2)) ;get data for 2nd line
ld2 (list (dxf 10 data) (dxf 11 data)) ;start/end points
r (inline ld1 ld2) ;check 'em
t1 (1+ t1)
(grtext -2 (strcat "Test: " (itoa t1))) ;totals in coord. area

( (= r 1)
(entdel (ssname s1 c1)) ;delete 1st line
(ssdel (ssname s1 c1) s1) ;remove it from selection set
(setq c2 (sslength s1) ;reset c2 to exit from inner loop
flag t ;set "don't increment c1" flag
( (= r 2)
(entdel (ssname s1 c2)) ;delete 2nd line
(ssdel (ssname s1 c2) s1) ;remove it from selection set
( (null r)
(setq c2 (1+ c2)) ;increment c2
(if (null flag) (setq c1 (1+ c1)))
(setq flag nil)
(prompt ".....All done!")
) ;end of c:CUT function

;Function checks which, if either, line is within the other
;L1 and L2 parameters are lists that contain the start and end
;points of a line.
;Returns either nil if lines are not colinear or either 1 or 2
;indicating that the lines are colinear and that the numbered one
;can be deleted.
(defun inline (l1 l2 / a1 flip long short ret pfix)
(defun pfix (p)
(if (> (caar p) (caadr p)) (setq p (list (cadr p) (car p))))
(if (> (cadar p) (cadadr p)) (setq p (list (cadr p) (car p))))
(setq l1 (pfix l1) l2 (pfix l2))
(equal (setq a1 (angle (car l1) (cadr l1)))
(angle (car l2) (cadr l2))
(if (> (distance (car l1) (cadr l1)) (distance (car l2) (cadr l2)))
(setq long l1 short l2)
(setq long l2 short l1 flip t)
(or (equal (car long) (car short))
(equal a1 (angle (car long) (car short)) 0.0001)
(>= (distance (car long) (cadr long))
(distance (car long) (cadr short))
(if flip (setq ret 1) (setq ret 2))
(setq ret nil)

;Function to get entities on various layers by letting user
;pick sample entities on the desired layers.
;Type parameter is for entity type ("LINE" in this case).
;It returns a selection set.
(defun mlayss (type / ss lyr c st x ll)
(prompt "\nPick Sample Entities on the Layers You Want to Process.")
(setq ss (ssget))
(if ss
(setq c 0 ll '())
(repeat (sslength ss)
(setq lyr (dxf 8 (entget (ssname ss c))))
(if (not (member lyr ll)) (setq ll (cons lyr ll)))
(setq c (1+ c))
(setq ss nil ss (ssadd))
(foreach x ll
(setq st (ssget "x" (list (cons 0 type) (cons 8 x)))
c 0
(if st
(repeat (sslength st)
(ssadd (ssname st c) ss)
(setq c (1+ c))
(setq st nil)

;Function to get entities on a single layer.
;Type parameter is for entity type ("LINE" in this case).
;Return a selection set.
(defun layss (type / lyr e)
(setq lyr (getstring "\nEntity Layer (Press <ENTER> to point)? "))
(if (= lyr "")
(while (not e) (setq e (entsel "\nPick Entity on Desired Layer: ")))
(setq lyr (dxf 8 (entget (car e))))
(ssget "x" (list (cons 0 type) (cons 8 lyr)))

(defun dxf (key data) (cdr (assoc key data)))

(prompt "CUT.LSP loaded.... Enter CUT to run!")

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