Cannot move or copy to a specific location
David Kaylor
22 Apr 2024
Trying to move or copy an object from a base pint to a new location, I select the basepoint, then type an x/y location for my new location. When I go to specify the new location (e.g. 6,6) as soon as I press the comma, a lock symbol appears and if I hit enter, it moves that displacement and not to the location.
23 Apr 2024
What version of platform are you using?
I've just try in 24 version and it worked next way: call MOVE command, input 150, input comma -> lock appears, and focus shifted to next input field, input 50 -> object moved X=150 and Y=50.
Seems to be ok, or I missed something?
Maybe this article helps a little bit:
Coordinate Systems. Coordinate systems (
I've just try in 24 version and it worked next way: call MOVE command, input 150, input comma -> lock appears, and focus shifted to next input field, input 50 -> object moved X=150 and Y=50.
Seems to be ok, or I missed something?
Maybe this article helps a little bit:
Coordinate Systems. Coordinate systems (
David Duncan
11 Nov 2024
Check to see if DYN is on. If it is, turn it off then try again. The problem with DYNAMIC INPUT is that it sometimes is expecting a third variable. If you are using 2D then there is really no need to use DYNAMIC INPUT, in my opinion.