Trying to move or copy an object from a base pint to a new location, I select the basepoint, then type an x/y location for my new location. When I go to specify the new location (e.g. 6,6) as soon as I press the comma, a lock symbol appears and if I hit enter, it moves that displacement and not to the location.

Cannot move or copy to a specific location
Started by David Kaylor, Apr 22 2024 07:21 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 22 April 2024 - 07:21 PM
Posted 23 April 2024 - 07:20 PM
What version of platform are you using?
I've just try in 24 version and it worked next way: call MOVE command, input 150, input comma -> lock appears, and focus shifted to next input field, input 50 -> object moved X=150 and Y=50.
Seems to be ok, or I missed something?
Maybe this article helps a little bit:
Coordinate Systems. Coordinate systems (
I've just try in 24 version and it worked next way: call MOVE command, input 150, input comma -> lock appears, and focus shifted to next input field, input 50 -> object moved X=150 and Y=50.
Seems to be ok, or I missed something?
Maybe this article helps a little bit:
Coordinate Systems. Coordinate systems (
Posted 11 November 2024 - 09:15 PM
Check to see if DYN is on. If it is, turn it off then try again. The problem with DYNAMIC INPUT is that it sometimes is expecting a third variable. If you are using 2D then there is really no need to use DYNAMIC INPUT, in my opinion.
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