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Change keyboard settings and mouse settings

Stefan55's Photo Stefan55 25 Jun 2021

Dear all,

I am working with nanocad 20.0.5153 and apart from being very happy with this program (as it sometimes has features I really missed in autocad such as the explorer window), but some things do consume a significant amount of time as I cannot get used to the behaviour. Perhaps there is a solution to this:

1. Change keyboard decimal point:
Nanocad decides on its own not to use the windows setting for the keyboard with respect to the decimal point. I am a Germnan user and working very frequently with coordinates and most of the time, they don't have a decimal digit (we are using µm as standard unit). Therefore, it would be most convenient for me to use the "," situated on a german keyboard numeric pad. Nanocad decides to take it as (english) decimal point "." which is not the thing I want. Is there a way to tell Nanocad to display a comma instead of the decimal point at the keypad?

2. Mouse settings right click:
I played around with the settings for the right mouse click and still I couldn't fiddle out how my intended behaviour works: In general, I want the right mouse button to be nothing else than a hint on the <RETURN> button on the keyboard. By this, I can type in commands with left hand and select with the mouse without constantly needing to move the left hand to the return button. The problem is that the software seems to close context menues when I push the right mouse button. For instance, during the "PEDIT" command, I want to join some lines, so I want to push "j" on the keyboard and then push the right mouse button as return (nanocad punishes me for this by leaving the pedit command). Is there a way to change this?

I know these are very little things, but they often stop my workflow and sometimes I take several attempts to get the things done ...

Best regards,
