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Thank you NANOSOFT

comannutu's Photo comannutu 04 Nov 2020

Finally i get the chance to use a very good 3d software without having to worry about rootkits.

I just found out about nanocad, and i-m in the process of learning it.

I need a cad software from time to time, maybe 2 or 3 weeks per year for my own personal small projects.

( usually small mechanical assemblies like joystick gimballs ) and with the free alternatives out there the modelling was a pain in the a**.

This software feels very familiar ( less than 1 hour of using it ).

If the need arises for better tools than offered in the free version, now i know where to come and get them for a price that i could afford to pay ( as a hobbyist).

Thank you again, Nanosoft.