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R20 - Customize Ribbon

Pierluigi Bucolo's Photo Pierluigi Bucolo 30 Mar 2020

I tried to custimize Home-Modify ribbon.
My need is to split Trim and Extend button, because I use It often.

I can't find a way to make this. It seems that Trim command is not available in the righ pane....
The original Ribbon are not customizable ?

- Pierluigi

Kreator's Photo Kreator 31 Mar 2020

Find it like "vcTrim..." and "vcExpand..."

Attached Files


Pierluigi Bucolo's Photo Pierluigi Bucolo 01 Apr 2020

Hi Kreator,
thanks for your support.

Solved..the issue about Trim and Expand, but......making changes in the ribbon I deleted "Panel break" separator and I can't finding a way to re-add it.....
The closest option is to use "Add separator", but it's another type of break....

(I've got some issue to add screenshot)....

The ID of break is: RibbonPanelBreak, instead I can find only a way to add the ID: RibbonSeparator.

BTW there is a way to reset all layout customizations to default ?
