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node-locked licence and fresh windows 10 i...

Yannis's Photo Yannis 09 Mar 2020

I have a network licence purchased 6 months ago (still valid for another 6 months). The computer I was using as server, needed fresh windows installation of windows 10. I formated the disk and tried to re-install nanoCAD, but it is not working. It says that the licence is node-locked and I couldn't get the key-file.
The windows installation is new. The things that are the same, are the media I had made for the same installation, the motherboard and some other parts in my PC.
Is there a workaround to verify my PC to the licence server?

I believe my licence was locked with the windows installation.

Did I lose my purchase (half of it, I used it for 6 moths), because I did a clean format?