Johandre, on 06 March 2020 - 11:48 AM, said:
One step ahead of you!
On this subject, anyway I suck!
hardly good at copying other people's code !
For example to list the coordinates of the points I use ptexport.lsp. I can change decimals but that's it.
I can do scripts, but it's really not my first skill.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; (Export LWPOLYLINE Vertices & Points to File)
; Copyright © 2000 DotSoft, All Rights Reserved
; Website: [url=""][/url]
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; DISCLAIMER: DotSoft Disclaims any and all liability for any damages
; arising out of the use or operation, or inability to use the software.
; FURTHERMORE, User agrees to hold DotSoft harmless from such claims.
; DotSoft makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the
; fitness of this product for a particular purpose. All materials are
; to be considered ‘as-is’, and use of this software should be
; considered as AT YOUR OWN RISK.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun c:ptexport ()
(setq sset (ssget '((-4 . "<OR")(0 . "POINT")
(0 . "LWPOLYLINE")(-4 . "OR>"))))
(if sset
(setq itm 0 num (sslength sset))
(setq fn (getfiled "Point Export File" "" "txt" 1))
(if (/= fn nil)
(setq fh (open fn "w"))
(while (< itm num)
(setq hnd (ssname sset itm))
(setq ent (entget hnd))
(setq obj (cdr (assoc 0 ent)))
((= obj "POINT")
(setq pnt (cdr (assoc 10 ent)))
(princ (strcat (rtos (car pnt) 2 3) ","
(rtos (cadr pnt) 2 3) ","
(rtos (caddr pnt) 2 3)) fh)
(princ "\n" fh)
((= obj "LWPOLYLINE")
(if (= (cdr (assoc 38 ent)) nil)
(setq elv 0.0)
(setq elv (cdr (assoc 38 ent)))
(foreach rec ent
(if (= (car rec) 10)
(setq pnt (cdr rec))
(princ (strcat (rtos (car pnt) 2 3) ","
(rtos (cadr pnt) 2 3) ","
(rtos elv 2 8)) fh)
(princ "\n" fh)
(t nil)
(setq itm (1+ itm))
(close fh)
(princ "\nPoint Export loaded, type PTEXPORT to run.")
Johandre, on 06 March 2020 - 11:48 AM, said:
is less important than the fact there is a functioning tool available already
So much the better !