nanoCAD Eng 4.0 Beta2 is now available for Developers' Club members.
In Beta2 we introduce the first alpha version of new API: MultiCAD.NET. The main feature of MultiCAD.NET is the ability to create custom objects in .NET.
Custom objects created with MultiCAD.NET can work without a recompile in both nanoCAD and AutoCAD. nanoCAD has MultiCAD.NET support out of the box, while in AutoCAD, MultiCAD enabler is needed, it can be downloaded from the Files page. Sample MultiCAD.NET custom object project is a part of nanoCAD SDK and is located in samples\Mgd\CustomObjects folder.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Please register in nanoCAD Developers' Club and post your comments to MultiCAD API forum or write us to
List of changes requested by the Club members:
EN29 Make command -BOUNDARY compatible with Lisp
EN41 Make command -INSERT compatible with Lisp
EN44 Make command -ERASE compatible with Lisp
EN45 Make command -TEXT compatible with Lisp
EN46 Make command -BLOCK compatible with Lisp
RU36 Implement acedRegisterFilterWinMsg/acedRemoveFilterWinMsg
RU40 Cannot start command by it's localized name
RU42 acedGetAcadDwgView() returns the parent of the correct window
RU43 sendStringToExecute() removes "." and "_" from command name
RU24 Implement SymbolUtilityServices.ValidateSymbolName
RU28 Implement form size and position persistence
RU48 Implement Application.ShowModalWindow
RU49 Implement Application.ShowModelessWindow
EN8 Implement Internal.Utils.SetFocusToDwgView
EN9 Implement Internal.Utils.PostCommandPrompt
EN10 Implement Editor.SwitchToPaperSpace, Editor.SwitchToModelSpace
EN23 Implement Overrule classes
EN35 Autohide does not work with managed PaletteSet-s
EN58 Implement WorldGeometry.Polyline, ViewportGeometry.Polyline
RU29 Utility.GetPoint does not work without "optional" parameters
RU32 Utility.InitializeUserInput does not flushes flags after calling Utility.GetPoint etc.
RU34 PickfirstSelectionSet cannot be used in NSF commands
RU35 VBS. CreateTypedArray cannot transform arrays from CreateSafeArrayFromVector
RU39 Cannot use vbs variable initialized with string in InitializeUserInput
RU46 Exception "Invalid ResBuf" when calling SelectAtPoint() from JS

nanoCAD Eng 4.0 Beta2
Started by ISL, Nov 29 2012 01:31 PM
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Posted 29 November 2012 - 01:31 PM
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