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Document Open Error

hwadong shin's Photo hwadong shin 28 Jan 2025

When I try to open a file that I saved last time, an error occurs frequently.
Since the Korean fonts appear as question marks, I have been putting the necessary fonts in the nanocad font folder, and this problem continues to occur.
I am using the recover command to recover and continue working, but I am very worried that the entire file will be lost.

I would like to know a solution to this problem.

I'm using a trial version to test its usefulness before buying the nanoCAD x64 2024 platform mechanica genuine version.

hwadong shin's Photo hwadong shin 28 Jan 2025

Or, is there any limit for the trial version file size?

Artemio's Photo Artemio 28 Jan 2025

There is no limitations in Trial version.

You can try more utilities to repair your drawing, here are required steps:
  • run nanoCAD, then call the RECOVER command to open the file. (It's good that you already know about this command).
  • Unfreeze, unlock, and turn on all layers.
  • Call the command RMPROXY - Nongraphicalproxies to remove proxy objects that do not have a graphic. You can also use the XPROXY command to explode visible proxy entities.
  • Use the Purge command to clear waste objects. We also recommend to use the -PURGE command (works in the command line, without dialog) and using its different options, especially ANnotscales and sorTTable.
  • Select all, then call the FLATTEN command. You can do it twice because some objects can be flattened only the second time.
  • Use the AUDIT command.
  • Use the AUDITGEOMETRY command twice: first audit z-coordinates, then hatches.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to repeat steps 3-6 several times to fix the file.
Also about fonts, nanoCAD use it's own directory to work with .shx fonts and windows system folder to work with .ttf fonts.

If you want to add TTF font, then place it in Windows storage, that is:

If you want to add SHX font, then place it in:
C:\ProgramData\Nanosoft\<Your version of NanoCAD, for example - nanoCAD x64 Int 22.0>\SHX

hwadong shin's Photo hwadong shin 30 Jan 2025


Thank you for your kind reply.

I found a new issue this morning.
When it comes to dimension styles, it doesn't seem to be fully compatible yet with each other (Nanocad and Autocad).
The issue making dim style (imported from the sample autocad file) was a customized thing in Autocad.

After changing the dimension style of some of the imported dimensions to s, modifying the text size, text internal alignment, overall dimension scale, etc. and saving it, when I open it again, and file opening error still appears.
The dimensions that reflected the dimension style that exists in nanocad were alive and just imported dims from the autocad file were gone.
After deleting the just imported dims from autocad (customized dims in autocad), I can open it well now.

Thank you.

Artemio's Photo Artemio 31 Jan 2025

Though they both working with dwg files, they are not the same and nanoCAD is not the copy, it's different and self advantages product. For example, in nanoCAD Platform you can work with raster images, and there are other differences, you can try, there is free Trial for it for 30 days: nanocad.com