I tried to download nanoCAD Mechanica yesterday (08/05/2020). I filled the download form the first time and waited for about one hour, but the email wouldn't get in my in box. I checked several times the spam folder: nothing. Then I supposed that it had something to do with using a free email domain. I then changed to a less known but equally free email domain: still nothing. Checked the spam folder: still nothing. I waited for several hours for the email, but I wouldn't appear on any of the email accounts I had provided. Then I tried to sign in form to put a post on the forum to see what I was doing wrong. Again, the email took forever to arrive. Only about 24 hours after I checked my emails and there they were, the three of them. Now I managed to download and install nanoCAD Mechanica.
Then I realized that it's nanosoft's email system that has to be improved so that it delivers emails as soon as the user puts a download or sign in request.
Honestly, this is intended to help nanosoft to improve your relationship with your customers, myself one of them.
Thank you for your attention.
Denis Bomfim
Why does it take so long for nanosoft to deliver the download and registration email?
Started by Denis Bomfim, Aug 06 2020 08:21 PM
Email by nanosoft take 2 long
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