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VBScript - GoTo line dow not works

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#1 tracciatura.net


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Posted 18 May 2019 - 06:46 AM

Hi there, I'm trying to use Goto but give me an error at line "GoTo Line1"

Call gotoStatementDemo

Sub gotoStatementDemo()
		number = 1
		' Evaluate number and branch to appropriate label.
		If number = 1 Then
				GoTo Line1
				GoTo Line2
		End If
		sampleString = "Number equals 1"
		GoTo LastLine
		'The following statement never gets executed because number = 1.
		sampleString = "Number equals 2"
		' Write "Number equals 1" in the Debug window.
		ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt sampleString
End Sub

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